And the livestock He has created for you; in it, you have warmth and other benefits, and you are eating from it.
It is told in verses 36: 71-73: “Don’t they see that We have made them owners of livestock that Our hands created? And We have tamed the livestock for them, so from some of them, they are riding and from some of them, they are eating; and in it are benefits and drinks for them; then aren’t they consider Lord as the Single Deity?” Today, the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar and Kuffar are reading these verses. But they are unaware of the fact that every creature is glorifying and praising the Lord with their soul as explained in verse 2: 62. These worst creatures are killing and eating the animals abundantly without engaging in farming them. So, by the second coming of Jesus, these soulless and worthless creatures will be killed by the other people belonging to Messenger’s community as explained in verses 9: 5 and 123. See explanation 6: 144; 14: 28-30, 34 and 22: 36-37.